
The Course

The HAT Run is held on the trails of Susquehanna State Park. The course is mostly single track trail with a mix of open fields, dirt road and some paved road. The course features nearly 4,300 feet of climbing. There is a starting loop of 3 miles followed by two identical loops of 14 miles. There are 4 stream crossings that can be challenging depending on the water level – there is always the chance of getting wet feet.

Hat Run Course Map

HAT 50K on

Map to Steppingstone Museum

Pricing Schedule


Entry and Refund Policy

The starting field is limited to 350 runners. A waiting list will be maintained thereafter, and invitations to register extended on a first come, first served basis as the original entrant pool is reduced by withdrawals.

Deferrals and Transfers

We do not defer or transfer entries.


Withdrawing from the race can be done through UltraSignup.

  1. Sign in to
  2. Go to Account Info and select My Registrations,
  3. Edit Hat Run and Click Cancel.


HAT Run Policy on Event Cancellation

Forces beyond our control can lead to the cancellation of the event. If the HAT Run is canceled, it is possible that you will receive no refund of your entry fee. We will, however, endeavor to issue refunds or make other compensation to the extent funds are available to do so. The occurrences that can cause a race cancellation are not predictable. Cancellations will occur when there is a serious threat to the safety of runners and volunteers such as forest fires, hurricanes, and tornadoes, or in the event of a national emergency. These generally occur with little advance notice. As run organizers, we are at the mercy of these events. The HAT Run is a volunteer-supported, non-profit event. The HAT Run is expensive because we provide quality support, apparel, and awards. The costs for this are supported by entry fees – not sponsorship. We cannot absorb all of these costs and take the risk of cancellation by ourselves. Consequently, the effect of our policy is that the entrants to the HAT Run must share in the risk that it will be canceled. Please understand this when you enter.

Here is the policy we expect to follow when the run is subject to cancellation. Each situation is different so these are only guidelines.

Keeping You Informed

We will try to keep entrants informed when there is a potential for cancellation. We will use the web site primarily and use the HAT Run Facebook page to supplement.


In the event that a race is canceled, we cannot promise any refund. We will first pay all outstanding bills associated with the event that we cannot cancel or legally avoid. If there is money left over after paying the expenses we have incurred, we will try to make a reimbursement to runners from the remaining entry fees available to us. The closer the cancellation is to the race date, the less likely there will be any reimbursement and if a race is stopped while in progress, there will be no reimbursement. If the amount of the refund is small, we may not bother with it, or we may only give credit toward future entry fees.


Rescheduling the event is unlikely given the complexity of coordinating with the various County, State Park Service, the Steppingstone Museum and the State of Maryland.

Friday Packet Pickup

Packet pickup is held from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm in the garage near the back of the parking lot. If you are new to the event this is a good time to familiarize yourself with the start and finish areas as well as asking any questions you may have about the event or shopping for technical running gear.

Race Day Schedule

Time of day
6:45Steppingstone gates open for parking
7:00 – 8:00Race registration and packet pickup (Near Parking Lot)
8:15Move to the pavilion and begin to assemble in the starting field
8:30Start of the HAT Run. Begin 3 mile “small loop” back to the start at Steppingstone
9:00 - 9:15From Steppingstone, begin first 14 mile trail loop
9:30First runners arrive at Aid Station # 1 (picnic area 7.7 miles)
10:15First runners arrive at Aid Station # 2 (picnic area 11.8 miles )
10:30First runners arrive at unmanned aid station (15 miles)
10:45 - 11:00First runners finish 1st loop at Steppingstone. First cut-off time is 1:00pm (4h 30m) for those completing the first loop. (17 miles) You must be out of the aid station before 1:00pm.
11:15First runners arrive Aid station # 3 (picnic area 21.6 miles)
11:45First runners arrive at Aid Station # 4 (picnic area 25.7 miles)
12:15First runners arrive at unmanned aid station. 29 miles
12:30First finishers complete race. 31 miles
2:20Aid station # 3 closes (5 hrs 50 mins for 21.6 miles) Any runner arriving after 2:20pm will be asked to skip the next section and return to the finish by car or via trail and will be a DNF
3:50Aid station #4 closes (7 hrs 20 mins for 25.7 miles)a runner arriving after 3:50pm will be asked to skip the next 5-mile section and return to the finish by car and will be a DNF.
5:30HAT Run closes
6:00Park closes. Runners should be out of the parking area before the park gates are locked.

Aid Stations

Milage and Pace

Aid StationTypeSection MilageTotal MilageCut Off Time (Hours)Cut Off Time of Day
Start/Finish PavilionFluids33
Picnic Area IFull4.77.7
Picnic Area IIFull*4.111.8
Unmanned Water StopWater Only3.215
Start/Finish PavilionFull*2174:301:00 PM
Picnic Area IFull*4.621.65:502:20 PM
Picnic Area IIFull*4.125.77:203:50 PM
Unmanned Water StopWater Only3.3298:204:50 PM
Start/Finish PavilionFull*2319:005:30 PM



  1. The Start/Finish Pavilion is covered and a great place to leave a drop bag and finish bag.
  2. Gels: We do not supply gels, please bring them if you plan to use them.
  3. Salt tabs: We do not supply salt tabs, please bring them if you plan to use them

2022 RACE

2022 Race Photo Gallery

Video of the 2022 race provided by